
2021-10-06 18:41:51 字數 2639 閱讀 2523

1. 下午檢視一下greenplum的對應關係, oid與檔案屬性

1. oid是一種特殊的資料型別, 在pg/gp中,oid都是自增的。 

2. 每乙個表空間,表,索引, 資料檔案,函式,約束都對應乙個唯一標識的oid, oid是全域性遞增的。 

3. 1259是pg_class對應的oid,每乙個postgresql都是如此。 

select oid, relname from pg_class where oid = 'pg_class'::regclass;

select attrelid::regclass, attname, b.relname

from pg_attribute a, pg_class b

where a.attrelid = b.oid

and b.relnamespace = 11

and atttypid = 26

and b.relstorage='h'

and attname = 'oid'

and b.relname not like '%index';

4.  查詢schema資訊。 

select * from pg_namespace where nspowner > 10

5. 節點的配置資訊和檔案空間資訊, 如下2個表在pg_global表空間下,全域性共用。 



select * from gp_segment_configuration;     

select * from pg_filespace_entry  order by fsedbid

6. 建立檢視: 

create view public.v_gp_id

asselect 'greenplum'::name as gpname

, current_setting('gp_num_contents_in_cluster') as numsegments

, current_setting('gp_dbid')

, current_setting('gp_contentid') as content;

create or replace function public.hostname()

return text

as $$

import socket

return socket.gethostname()

$$    language plpythonu;

7. 在主節點上,想獲取子節點的資訊, 需要使用gp_dist_random. 

select gp_segment_id, count(1) from gp_dist_random('pg_class') group by 1 order by 1; 

select hostname() from gp_dist_random('gp_id');

8. 檢視fi_user是否有對order_share的select許可權

select has_table_privilege('fi_user','dw_stage.order_share','select');

9. 同乙個表在pg_attribute表的字段數會比使用\d dw_stage.order_send時得到的要多,因為有一些隱藏欄位在使用\d命令時,是不顯示的。


select oid, relacl, * 

from pg_class 

where relname = 'orders_send';


select *

from pg_attribute

where attrelid in (1246871, 1257272)

order by attrelid

10. 表的分布鍵策略

select * from gp_distribution_policy;


select * from gp_distribution_policy

where localoid = 1246871 


select * from gp_distribution_policy where localoid = 'orders_send'::regclass;




select oid, relacl, * 

from pg_class 

where relname = 'fi_gp_sale_rtn_prod_basic';


select oid, * from pg_partition 

where parrelid = 3069750


select *

from pg_partition_rule

where paroid = 3073374

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