資料結構與演算法 python實現順序表

2021-10-07 12:17:47 字數 1680 閱讀 8624


# 鍊錶的python實現

# 定義乙個結點

class node:

def __init__(self, initdata):

self.data = initdata

self.next = none

def getdata(self):

return self.data

def getnext(self):

return self.next

def setdata(self, newdata):

self.data = newdata

def setnext(self, newnext):

self.next = newnext

# 定義乙個無序鍊錶

class orderedlist:

def __init__(self):

self.head = none

def add(self, item):

current = self.head

previons = none

stop = false

# 發現插入位置

while current != none and not stop:

if current.getdata() > item:

stop = true


previons = current

current = current.getnext()

temp = node(item)

if previons == none: # 插入在表頭


self.head = temp

else: # 插入在表中



# 搜尋鍊錶,查詢元素item,找到返回true,失敗返回false

def search(self, item):

current = self.head

found = false

stop = false

while current != none and not found and not stop:

if current.getdata() == item:

found = true


if current.getdata() > item:

stop = true


current = current.getnext()

return found

# 判斷鍊錶元素個數

def size(self):

current = self.head

count = 0

while current != none:

count += 1

current = current.getnext()

return count

# 判空

def isempty(self):

return self.head == none


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資料結構與演算法 python

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