正點原子嵌入式Linux學習 13 連線檔案

2021-10-07 13:24:25 字數 2814 閱讀 1620



ln --help

用法:ln [選項]

... [-t] 目標 鏈結名 (第一種格式)

或:ln [選項]

... 目標 (第二種格式)

或:ln [選項]

... 目標... 目錄 (第三種格式)

或:ln [選項]

... -t 目錄 目標... (第四種格式)

in the 1st form, create a link to target with the name link_name.

in the 2nd form, create a link to target in the current directory.

in the 3rd and 4th forms, create links to each target in directory.

create hard links by default, symbolic links with --symbolic.

by default, each destination (name of new link) should not already exist.

when creating hard links, each target must exist. symbolic links

can hold arbitrary text;

if later resolved, a relative link is

interpreted in relation to its parent directory.



=control] 為每個已存在的目標檔案建立備份檔案

-b 類似--backup,但不接受任何引數

-d, -f, --directory 建立指向目錄的硬鏈結(只適用於超級使用者)

-f, --force 強行刪除任何已存在的目標檔案

-i, --interactive prompt whether to remove destinations

-l, --logical dereference targets that are symbolic links

-n, --no-dereference treat link_name as a normal file

if it is a symbolic link to a directory

-p, --physical make hard links directly to symbolic links

-r, --relative create symbolic links relative to link location

-s, --symbolic make symbolic links instead of hard links

-s, --suffix=suffix override the usual backup suffix

-t, --target-directory=directory specify the directory in

which to create

the links

-t, --no-target-directory treat link_name as a normal file always

-v, --verbose print name of each linked file

--help 顯示此幫助資訊並退出

--version 顯示版本資訊並退出


vi hello.c

gcc -o hello hello.c

ln hello hello1

ln hello hello2 #建立硬連線

ll -i hello* # -i 表示輸出inode



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