正規表示式 匹配第一次出現的字元

2021-10-08 04:19:29 字數 2194 閱讀 3298

本文翻譯自:regex: matching up to the first occurrence of a character

i am looking for a pattern that matches everythinguntilthe first occurrence of a specific character, say a ";"我正在尋找乙個匹配所有內容的模式,直到第一次出現特定字元,比如「;」- asemicolon.-分號

i wrote this:我寫了這個:

but it actually matches everything (including the semicolon) until the last occurrence of a semicolon.但它實際上匹配所有內容(包括分號),直到最後一次出現分號。


"/^([^\\/]*)\\/$/"worked for me, to get only top "folders" from an array like:"/^([^\\/]*)\\/$/"對我有用,只能從陣列中獲取頂級「資料夾」:

a/   <- this


c/ <- this



f/ <- this


googleregex character classesfor details.谷歌regex character classes的詳細資訊。


the [^;] says match anything except a semicolon.[^;]表示匹配除分號之外的任何內容。the square brackets are a set matching operator, it's essentially, match any character in this set of characters, the^at the start makes it an inverse match, so match anything not in this set.方括號是乙個集合匹配運算子,它本質上匹配這組字元中的任何字元,開頭的^使它成為反向匹配,因此匹配不在此集合中的任何內容。


that's a negating character class .這是乙個否定的角色類 。

you need你需要

the[^;]is a character class , it matches everything but a semicolon.[^;]是乙個字元類 ,它匹配除分號之外的所有內容。

to cite theperlremanpage:引用perlre頁:

you can specify a character class, by enclosing a list of characters in , which will match any character from the list.您可以通過在中包含乙個字元列表來指定乙個字元類,該列表將匹配列表中的任何字元。if the first character after the "[" is "^", the class matches any character not in the list.如果「[」之後的第乙個字元是「^」,則該類匹配列表中不存在的任何字元。

this should work in most regex dialects.這適用於大多數正規表示式方言。

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