
2021-10-08 09:33:34 字數 1240 閱讀 2520

本文翻譯自:changing case in vim



visual select the text, thenufor uppercase orufor lowercase.視覺選擇文字,然後u表示大寫或u表示小寫。to swap all casing in a visual selection, press~.要交換外觀中的所有大小寫,請按~

without using a visual selection,guwill make the characters inmotionuppercase, or usegufor lowercase.不使用視覺選擇,gu將在字元motion大寫,或使用gu為小寫。

for more of these, see section 3 in vim's change.txt help file.有關更多資訊,請參見vim的change.txt幫助檔案中的第3節。

see the following methods:請參閱以下方法:

~    : changes the case of current character

guu : change current line from upper to lower.

guu : change current line from lower to upper.

guw : change to end of current word from upper to lower.

guaw : change all of current word to lower.

guw : change to end of current word from lower to upper.

guaw : change all of current word to upper.

g~~ : invert case to entire line

gug : change to lowercase until the end of document.


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