2021-10-08 11:17:46 字數 1519 閱讀 2445


select table_name,table_comment from information_schema.tables where table_schema='skysupport';

select ordinal_position as '序號',column_name as '名稱',data_type as '資料型別',character_maximum_length as '長度',

numeric_scale as '小數字',is_nullable as '允許為空',


when column_key='pri'

then '是'

else '否'

end) as '是否主鍵' ,

column_default as '預設值',

column_comment as '說明'

from information_schema.columns

where table_schema = 'skysupport'

and table_name = 'business_module' ; #你要查的表

select column_name as '名稱',

column_comment as '中文注釋',

data_type as '資料型別',

'' as '備註'

from information_schema.columns

where table_schema = 'taxany_sy'#表所在資料庫

and table_name = 'd005_tb_tax' ; #你要查的表


select t.colno+1 as 序號,

t.colname as 名稱,

lower(t.typename) as 資料型別,

t.length as 長度,

t.scale as 小數字,

t."nulls" as 允許為空,

case t.keyseq

when 1 then '是'

else '否'

end as 是否主鍵,

t.default as 預設值,

t.remarks as remark

from syscat.columns t

where tabschema='db2inst1' and tabname=upper('d005_tb_tax')

order by 序號 asc;


t.colname as 名稱,

t.remarks as 中文注釋,

lower(t.typename) as 資料型別,

'' as 備註

from syscat.columns t

where tabschema='db2inst1' and tabname=upper('d005_tb_tax')

order by t.colno asc;

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