
2021-10-08 16:39:32 字數 3450 閱讀 3253

他的結構體是巢狀了另乙個匿名結構體, 即:

type a struct 

param := struct }

然後導致 writestruct 方法解析不出來, writestruct:

// writes a struct to row r. accepts a pointer to struct type 'e',

// and the number of columns to write, `cols`. if 'cols' is < 0,

// the entire struct will be written if possible. returns -1 if the 'e'

// doesn't point to a struct, otherwise the number of columns written

func (r *row) writestruct(e inte***ce{}, cols int) int

v := reflect.valueof(e).elem()

if v.kind() != reflect.struct

n := v.numfield() // number of fields in struct

if cols < n && cols > 0

var k int

for i := 0; i < n; i, k = i+1, k+1

case sql.nullbool:

cell := r.addcell()

if cell.setstring(``); t.valid

case sql.nullint64:

cell := r.addcell()

if cell.setstring(``); t.valid

case sql.nullfloat64:

cell := r.addcell()

if cell.setstring(``); t.valid


switch f.kind()

} }return k


可以看到裡面只反**第一層, 如果裡面有巢狀結構的話就不會繼續遍歷, 所以導致巢狀結構體的字段值沒有寫入到excel中

通過檢視 writestruct 方法的原始碼檔案我們可以看到裡面還有乙個可用方法 writeslice:

// writes an array to row r. accepts a pointer to array type 'e',

// and writes the number of columns to write, 'cols'. if 'cols' is < 0,

// the entire array will be written if possible. returns -1 if the 'e'

// doesn't point to an array, otherwise the number of columns written.

func (r *row) writeslice(e inte***ce{}, cols int) int

// make sure 'e' is a ptr to slice

v := reflect.valueof(e)

if v.kind() != reflect.ptr

v = v.elem()

if v.kind() != reflect.slice

// it's a slice, so open up its values

n := v.len()

if cols < n && cols > 0

var setcell func(reflect.value)

setcell = func(val reflect.value)

case sql.nullbool:

cell := r.addcell()

if cell.setstring(``); t.valid

case sql.nullint64:

cell := r.addcell()

if cell.setstring(``); t.valid

case sql.nullfloat64:

cell := r.addcell()

if cell.setstring(``); t.valid


switch val.kind()

} }var i int

for i = 0; i < n; i++

return i



// structvaluetoslice 結構體值轉入slice

func structvaluetoslice(val inte***ce{}) (data inte***ce{}) else

for i := 0; i < v.numfield(); i++

} else

} return

}// recursionstructvaluetoslice 遞迴多層巢狀結構體的值轉入slice

func recursionstructvaluetoslice(val inte***ce{}, v reflect.value, data *inte***ce{}) else if reflect.valueof(val).type().kind() == reflect.struct else

for i := 0; i < v.numfield(); i++ else

} return



func teststructvaluetoslice(t *testing.t) 

param := struct }


}func testrecursionstructvaluetoslice(t *testing.t)

type b struct

param := struct }}

data := make(inte***ce{}, 0)

recursionstructvaluetoslice(param, reflect.value{}, &data)



這樣的話就可以了, 插入之前先走下對映獲取到值的結構體切片, 然後再用 writeslice 方法寫入就可以了

看 writeslice 方法可以看出來它裡面也是反射獲取slice的值, 然後 r.addcell().cell.setvalue(t) 方法插進去了, 所以想提公升效率的話可以直接在反射的方法裡直接將值寫入行就行了, 省了一步反射的過程


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