julia Julia的分割槽錯誤

2021-10-08 19:35:18 字數 2410 閱讀 3644


div() function is used to divide for the integer division, by using this function we can get exception/error at two cases,


dividing an integer by zero (consider example 1)

將整數除以零( 請考慮示例1 )

dividing the lowest negative number integer by -1 (consider example 2)

將最低負數整數除以-1( 請考慮示例2 )

in the above two cases, a divideerror throws.

在上述兩種情況下,將引發divideerror 。

there is another exceptional case with the rem() and mod() functions when the second argument is zero (consider example 3).

當第二個引數為零時, rem()和mod()函式還有另一種例外情況( 請考慮示例3 )。

example 1:


# case 1: dividing an integer by zero 

x = 10

y = 2

println("x: ", x)

println("y: ", y)

result = div(x,y)

println("result: ", result)

# assigning 0 to y

y = 0

result = div(x,y)

println("result: ", result)



x: 10

y: 2

result: 5

error: loaderror: divideerror: integer division error

example 2:


# case 2: dividing the lowest negative number integer by -1

x = 10

y = 2

println("x: ", x)

println("y: ", y)

result = div(x,y)

println("result: ", result)

# assigning lowest negative number integer to x

# and -1 to y

x = typemin(int64)

y = -1

result = div(x,y)

println("result: ", result)



x: 10

y: 2

result: 5

error: loaderror: divideerror: integer division error

example 3:


# case 3: with the rem() and mod() functions 

# when the second argument is zero

x = 10

y = 3

println("x: ", x)

println("y: ", y)

println("rem(x,y): ", rem(x,y))

println("mod(x,y): ", mod(x,y))

# assigning 0 to y

y = 0

println("rem(x,y): ", rem(x,y))

println("mod(x,y): ", mod(x,y))



x: 10

y: 3

rem(x,y): 1

mod(x,y): 1

error: loaderror: divideerror: integer division error



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