c 前導0 C 用前導和尾隨空格 零填充整數

2021-10-08 20:52:11 字數 965 閱讀 1450

c# 前導0

to pad an integer number with leading and trailing spaces/zeroes, we can use string.format() method which is library method of string class in c#.


using system;

" , 256));

console.writeline(string.format("" , 256));

console.writeline(string.format("" , 256));

console.writeline(string.format("" , 256));

console.writeline(); }}




demo for left or right alignment of an integer number:

256256 00256


in the above program,6is used for right alignment, here space is padded at the left side. and in the case of-6, it is reverse. and we also padded zeros.

在上面的程式中,6用於右對齊,此處在左側填充空格。 而在-6的情況下,則相反。 而且我們還填充了零。


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