
2021-10-09 01:29:10 字數 1318 閱讀 8237


alter table 表名 change 舊欄位 新字段 型別;

(2)新增字段:use mart_flow_test;

alter table detail_flow_test add columns(original_union_id string);

或者:alter table 表名 add columns (列名 string comment 『department name』);

alter table detail_flow_test add columns (original_old string comment 『哈哈』)

(3)修改注釋:use original_union_id;

alter table detail_flow_test change column original_union_id original_union_id string comment 『原始裝置唯一性標識』;

(4)hive 新增表字段,給字段排序

alter table 表名 change column col_old_name col_new_name column_type [comment col_comment] after 列名(放在哪個欄位後);

例項:把original_union_id 放到 original_old 後面

alter table detail_flow_test change column original_union_id original_union_id string after original_old

(5) 重新命名分割槽

alter table table_name partition partition_spec rename to partition partition_spec; --這個是重新命名dt= 後面的內容

alter table detail_flow_test partition partition_date rename to partition dt ; —錯誤

alter table detail_flow_test change partition_date dt string


alter table ifu_dw.dw_ap_ver_cash_zfk_kd_m add columns(cash_fee_zfk decimal(20,6) comment 『主副卡當月合計收入』);

alter table ifu_dw.dw_ap_ver_cash_zfk_kd_m change column cash_fee_zfk cash_fee_zfk decimal(20,6) after cash_fee_zfk_kd;

Hive表 增改刪字段

基本語法 alter table name rename to new name alter table name add columns col spec col spec alter table name drop column column name alter table name chan...


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merge同時包含增 改 刪

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