笨辦法學python3 ex6

2021-10-09 04:04:00 字數 1243 閱讀 9549


#f"{}"格式化 "f-string"

type_of_people = 10

x = f"there are types of people."

binary = "binary"

do_not = "don't"

y = f"those who know and those who ."

# 注意:f"{}"字串的形式,我把變數放置到{}此位置



print(f"i said: ")

print(f"i also said ''")

#注意: f"{}"中已經可以直接放置變數 若在{}兩側再加單引號『{}』 則列印結果仍然是''

hilarious = false

joke_evaluation = "isn't that joke so funny {}!"


#注意:str.format()函式呼叫元素 即上例中$hilarious的值 填充進{}

w = "this is the left side of..."

e = "a string with a right side."

print(w + e)

#列印w + e的輸出沒有空格 則原封不動是兩個變數值的向量和


f"{}" 格式化字串變數,將變數填位到這個{}位置



列印w + e的輸出沒有空格 則原封不動是兩個變數值的向量和


there are 10 types of people.

those who know binary and those who don't.

i said: there are 10 types of people.

i also said 'those who know binary and those who don't.'

isn't that joke so funny false!

this is the left side of...a string with a right side.

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