MySQL5 7 31編譯安裝時常見錯誤分析

2021-10-09 07:32:32 字數 1434 閱讀 3230

1 沒有安裝mysql所需要的boost庫

-- running cmake version 3.2.1

-- configuring with max_indexes = 64u

-- sizeof_voidp 8

-- mysql 5.7.6-m16 [mysql版本]

-- packaging as: mysql-5.7.6-m16-linux-x86_64

-- looked for boost/version.hpp in and

-- boost_include_dir boost_include_dir-notfound

-- local_boost_dir

-- local_boost_zip

-- could not find (the correct version of) boost. [關鍵錯誤資訊]

-- mysql currently requires boost_1_57_0 [解決辦法]

cmake error at cmake/boost.cmake:76 (message): [具體錯誤和解決方法]

tar zxvf boost_1_59_0.tar.gz


參考:linux 原始碼編譯安裝mysql 5.7

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