union all的錯誤用法

2021-10-10 02:32:04 字數 741 閱讀 1329




select *
from (select city_name

,sum(w_new_user_cnt) as w_new_user_cnt

,dsfrom pub_cockpit_db.ads_mob_dri_user_gather_ws

where ds between 『20201001』 and 『20201010』

and city_name in (『南京市』,『杭州市』,『武漢市』,『長沙市』 ,『廣州市』,『天津市』,『重慶市』,『長春市』,『成都市』,『鄭州市』,『福州市』)

group by city_name


,ds) b1

union all

(select 『全國』 as city_name

,sum(w_new_user_cnt) as w_new_user_cnt

,dsfrom pub_cockpit_db.ads_mob_dri_user_gather_ws

where ds between 『20201001』 and 『20201010』

and city_name in (『南京市』,『杭州市』,『武漢市』,『長沙市』 ,『廣州市』,『天津市』,『重慶市』,『長春市』,『成都市』,『鄭州市』,『福州市』)

group by city_name


,ds) b2


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