C 檔案讀寫

2021-10-10 10:22:28 字數 2682 閱讀 9566


各種方式的組合使用或( | )操作符

#include #include  head file

using namespace std; //it's necessary

int main ()

#include #include  head file

using namespace std; //it's necessary

int main ()

char databuf[1024] = ; a data buffer & read the data from the file

int databufsize = sizeof(databuf) / sizeof(databuf[0]);

readfiledata(readfile, databuf, databufsize);

cout << databuf;

readfile.close(); the file

return 0;


讀檔案有四種方式,  所以寫成了乙個readfiledata函式.


1. 一次讀乙個單詞, 單詞結束標誌是空格或者換行

void readfiledata (ifstream &file, char* databuffer, int databuffersize) 


2. 一次讀一行, 讀到換行標誌為止

void readfiledata (ifstream &file, char* databuffer, int databuffersize) 


#include #include #include  head file

using namespace std; //it's necessary

class people ;

int main ()

#include #include #include  head file

using namespace std; //it's necessary

class people ;

int main ()

people p;

binaryreadfile.read((char *)&p, the data from the binary file, there are two

sizeof(people)); //params, data address(need to be transformed to char *)

//& the data size.

cout << "name: " << p.m_name << endl;

cout << "age: " << p.m_age << endl;

binaryreadfile.close(); the file

return 0;




如果要想對於目錄進行相關操作, 需要目錄路徑的字串, 比如是"data/files", 就可以如下操作:

dir * dir = opendir("data/files");

struct __dirstream   


typedef struct __dirstream dir;


struct dirent *readdir(dir *dp);   

void rewinddir(dir *dp);

int closedir(dir *dp);

long telldir(dir *dp);

void seekdir(dir *dp,long loc);

前文中, 在通過opendir獲取到了dir結構體指標的dir之後, 通過以下方式獲取到目錄的詳細資訊, 也就是dirent結構體型別的指標:

pdirent = readdir(dir);

struct dirent   

需要注意的是, 這裡的pdirent代表的是第乙個檔案, 操作完之後如果再用pdirent去接收readdir(dir)的結果就是第二個檔案了, 所以可以用迭代的方式遍歷目錄下的所有檔案的檔名.

c 檔案讀寫 文字讀寫

include int main else return 0 格式 intfscanf file stream,constchar format,返回值 如果成功,該函式返回成功匹配和賦值的個數。如果到達檔案末尾或發生讀錯誤,則返回 eof 引數1 file stream 檔案指標 引數2 cons...

C 檔案讀寫

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C 讀寫檔案

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