MYSQL 多表批量新增字段

2021-10-10 11:54:00 字數 2092 閱讀 2223

set @exe = concat('alter table ',tab," add create_date date comment '建立時間'");

prepare sql1 from @exe;

execute sql1;

end if;

if not exists(select 1 from information_schema.columns where table_name=tab and column_name='create_user') then

set @exe = concat('alter table ',tab," add create_user varchar(50) comment '建立人'");

prepare sql1 from @exe;

execute sql1;

end if;

if not exists(select 1 from information_schema.columns where table_name=tab and column_name='modified_date') then

set @exe = concat('alter table ',tab," add modified_date date comment '修改時間'");

prepare sql1 from @exe;

execute sql1;

end if;

if not exists(select 1 from information_schema.columns where table_name=tab and column_name='modified_user') then

set @exe = concat('alter table ',tab," add modified_user varchar(50) comment '修改人'");


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