
2021-10-11 12:06:05 字數 1722 閱讀 6637


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

@filename: weibo_comment.py

@date : 2018/12/5 13:01

@author : 風夏

@hobby : mi mi 貓

'''import requests

import json

import time

import emoji #pip install emoji

import schedule #pip install schedule

import re

def task():

# with open('comment.txt', 'r') as f:

# file = f.read()

for i in range(1, 3): #微博客戶端**目前只能爬取16頁資料


header =

if i == 1:

url = ''


url = ''.format(max_id)

cookie =

response = requests.get(url, headers=header, cookies=cookie)

text = json.loads(response.text)['data']

max_id = text['max_id']

comments = text['data']

for j in comments:

comment = emoji.demojize(comment)#去除表情

comment = re.sub(":\s+?:"," ",comment)

# name = emoji.demojize(name)

# name = re.sub(":\s+?:"," ",name)

print(name, created_at, comment)

with open("comment.txt", "a",encoding='utf-8') as f:

f.write(name + " " + created_at + " " + comment + "\n")

# if comment in file:

# pass

# else:

# try:

# with open("1.txt", "a") as f:

# f.write(name + " " + created_at + " " + comment + "\n")

# except:

# pass

time.sleep(2) #防止爬得太快被反爬,進行睡眠2s

# schedule.every(30).minutes.do(job) #定時任務,每隔30分鐘呼叫一次job函式

schedule.every(20).seconds.do(task) #定時任務,每隔20秒呼叫一次job函式

# task()

while true:

# time.sleep(1)



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