python中真因子 sympy中的因子分解

2021-10-11 12:45:29 字數 1662 閱讀 5739


有可能有一些方法可以修剪這裡的一些搜尋分支,但我沒有為此煩惱。歡迎進一步優化。在def collect_best(expr, measure=sympy.count_ops):

# this method performs sympy.collect over all permutations of the free variables, and returns the best collection

best = expr

best_score = measure(expr)

perms = itertools.permutations(expr.free_symbols)

permlen = np.math.factorial(len(expr.free_symbols))


for i, perm in enumerate(perms):

if (permlen > 1000) and not (i%int(permlen/100)):


collected = sympy.collect(expr, perm)

if measure(collected) < best_score:

best_score = measure(collected)

best = collected

return best

def product(args):

arg = next(args)


return arg*product(args)


return arg

def rcollect_best(expr, measure=sympy.count_ops):

# this method performs collect_best recursively on the collected terms

best = collect_best(expr, measure)

best_score = measure(best)

if expr == best:

return best

if isinstance(best, sympy.mul):

return product(map(rcollect_best, best.args))

if isinstance(best, sympy.add):

return sum(map(rcollect_best, best.args))

為了說明效能,this *****(paywalled,對不起)有7個公式,它們是7個變數中的5次多項式,最多有29個項和158個擴充套件形式的運算。在應用rcollect_best和@smichr的iflfactor之後,7個公式中的運算次數為:

^$以及[32, 37, 113, 73, 40, 15, 2]

分別。iflfactor的運算量比其中乙個公式的rcollect_best多433%。此外,擴充套件公式中的運算次數為:[39, 49, 158, 136, 79, 27, 2]


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Python計算 sympy解數學方程

solve f,symbols,flags 函式說明 f 轉化成右端等於0 形式的表示式 symbols 未知數 coding utf 8 file sympy date 2018 08 15 author peng shiyu from sympy import solve fro...

《用Python進行科學計算》 SymPy

sympy是python的數學符號計算庫,用它可以進行數學公式的符號推導。e i 1 0 e是自然指數的底,i是虛數單位,是圓周率。驗證這個公式 from sympy import print e i pi 1 0尤拉恒等式可以用下面的公式運算 e ix cos x i sin x coding u...