
2021-10-12 00:24:16 字數 2592 閱讀 2697


1. 分割槽表不能使用非分割槽的其他單獨的列做主鍵

2. 分割槽表新建時要定義好每乙個分割槽的詳細資訊

3. 分割槽表可以建立聯合主鍵,也可以不用主鍵,指定兩個列建立唯一索引(如果不建主鍵,在乙個列上建唯一索引也是不會成功的)

4. 分割槽表建立主鍵後,如果分割槽發生改變,比如新建或刪除了分割槽,插入語句不會受影響

5.  因為是聯合主鍵,如果需要單一欄位id 唯一,這時想單獨給id 設定 唯一索引是不會成功的,可以自行生成資料插入(比如uuid) 。


create table sales (

dt datetime not null,

person_id varchar(64) not null

)engine=innodb default charset=utf8 partition by range (year(dt))

[sql] create table sales (

dt datetime not null,

person_id varchar(64) not null

)engine=innodb default charset=utf8 partition by range (year(dt))

[err] 1492 - for range partitions each partition must be defined

create table sales (

`id` int(20) not null auto_increment comment '主鍵',

dt datetime not null,

person_id varchar(64) not null,

primary key (`id`)

)engine=innodb default charset=utf8 partition by range (year(dt))

( partition p_2019 values less than (2019),

partition p_2020 values less than (2020));

)[sql] create table sales (

`id` int(20) not null auto_increment comment '主鍵',

dt datetime not null,

person_id varchar(64) not null,

primary key (`id`)

)engine=innodb default charset=utf8 partition by range (year(dt))

( partition p_2019 values less than (2019),

partition p_2020 values less than (2020));

[err] 1503 - a primary key must include all columns in the table's partitioning function


create table sales (

`id` int(20) not null auto_increment comment '主鍵',

dt datetime not null,

person_id varchar(64) not null,

primary key (`id`,dt)

)engine=innodb default charset=utf8 partition by range (year(dt))

( partition p_2019 values less than (2019), //注:值小於2019的存到p_2019分割槽,也就是存的資料是2023年或之前的

partition p_2020 values less than (2020),

partition p_2021 values less than (2021)


alter table sales  add partition (partition p_2022 values less than (2022));  //按範圍分分割槽

alter table sales  add partition (partition p6 values in ('technique leader') ); //也可以指定按具體值分分割槽

alter table sales  drop partition  p_2019

select * from sales partition(p_2019);

select * from sales  //檢視所有資料



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