Excel URL解碼函式的使用

2021-10-12 03:17:09 字數 1761 閱讀 5877

function urldecode(byval strin)

urldecode =

"" dim sl: sl = 1

dim tl: tl = 1

dim key: key =

"%" dim kl: kl = len(key)

sl = instr(sl, strin, key, 1)

do while sl > 0

if (tl = 1 and sl <

> 1) or tl < sl then

urldecode = urldecode & mid(strin, tl, sl - tl)

end if

dim hh, hi, hl

dim a

select case ucase(mid(strin, sl + kl, 1))

case "u"

'unicode urlencode

a = mid(strin, sl + kl + 1, 4)

urldecode = urldecode & chrw("&h" & a)

sl = sl + 6

case "e" 'utf-8 urlencode

hh = mid(strin, sl + kl, 2)

a = int(


& hh)


if abs(a) < 128 then

sl = sl + 3

urldecode = urldecode & chr(a)


hi = mid(strin, sl + 3 + kl, 2)

hl = mid(strin, sl + 6 + kl, 2)

a = ("&h" & hh and &hf) * 2 ^ 12 or ("&h" & hi and &h3f) * 2 ^ 6 or ("&h" & hl and &h3f)

if a < 0 then a = a + 65536

urldecode = urldecode & chrw(a)

sl = sl + 9

end if

case else 'asc urlencode

hh = mid(strin, sl + kl, 2)

'高位 a = int("&h" & hh) 'ascii碼

if abs(a)

< 128 then

sl = sl + 3


hi = mid(strin, sl + 3 + kl, 2)

'低位 a = int("&h" & hh & hi) '非ascii碼

sl = sl + 6

end if

urldecode = urldecode & chr(a)

end select

tl = sl

sl = instr(sl, strin, key, 1)


urldecode = urldecode & mid(strin, tl)

end function







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