python輸入負數 如何讓python使用負數

2021-10-12 14:08:57 字數 893 閱讀 4182


這是我的密碼。import time

print("hello and welcome to the linear equation calculator.")


print("enter the first co-ordinate like this - (xx, yy): ")

coordnte1 = input()

print("now enter the second co-ordinate like this, with the brackets, - (xx,yy): ")

coordnte2 = input()

print("now the y-intercept: ")

yintrcpt = input()

ydif = coordnte2[1] - coordnte1[1]

xdif = coordnte2[0] - coodrnte1[0]

g = ydif / xdif

print("y = " + g + "x + " + yintrcpt)

問題是:traceback (most recent call last):

file "c:/users/dale/documents/github/new_python_rpi_experiments/", line 17, in

ydif = coordnte2[1] - coordnte1[1]

typeerror: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'str'


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