python列表的加法 Python列表加法理解

2021-10-13 14:34:01 字數 1034 閱讀 9632

我是python新手,不能將函式轉換為列表理解。理解涉及value函式,其包含類如下:class card(object):

# lists containing valid candidates for a card's rank and suit.

suits = [none, "spade", "club", "heart", "diamond"]

ranks = [none, "ace", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six",

"seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "jack", "queen", "king"]

# dictionary containing the ranks and their associative values.

values =

def __init__(self, rank=none, suit=none):


if rank not in self.ranks:

raise valueerror("invalid rank.")

if suit not in self.suits:

raise valueerror("invalid suit.")

self.rank = rank

self.suit = suit

def __str__(self):

"""a string representation of the card."""

return ":".format(self.rank, self.suit)


^$據我所見,value函式是列表理解的候選函式,但我無法使其工作。我相信下面的內容是正確的,但是我仍然會遇到語法錯誤,我不知道我做錯了什麼。請注意,我是python新手,並列出理解:def value(self):

result = [x += y for x = card.values[y.rank] for y in]

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