mysql 資料表父子關聯資料查詢sql

2021-10-14 15:33:34 字數 1105 閱讀 7653



-- 查詢所有子孫organization_id

select organization_id from (

select t1.organization_id,

if (find_in_set(parent_organization_id, @pids) > 0, @pids := concat(@pids, ',', organization_id), 0) as ischild


(select organization_id, parent_organization_id from person_organization t where t.status = '0' order by parent_organization_id, organization_id, type) t1,

(select @pids := #) t2

) t3 where ischild != '0'


(-- 查詢所有父祖organization_id

select t2.organization_id from (

select @r as _id,

(select @r := parent_organization_id from person_organization

where organization_id = _id) as parent_organization_id, @l := @l + 1 as lvl from

(select @r := #, @l := '') vars, person_organization h where @r ]]> '' and h.status = '0') t1 join person_organization t2 on t1._id = t2.organization_id order by t1.lvl asc


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