mysql建立 Mysql建立新使用者方法

2021-10-17 07:02:02 字數 4771 閱讀 7485

1. create user

語法:create user 'username'@'host' identified by 'password';

例子:create user 'dog'@'localhost' identified by '123456';

create user 'pig'@'' idendified by '123456';

create user 'pig'@'%' identified by '123456';

create user 'pig'@'%' identified by '';

create user 'pig'@'%';


mysql> create user jss;


mysql -ujss -h


mysql> select user,host,password from user where user='jss';

select user(); //顯示當前使用者


mysql> create user jss_ps identified by 'jss';

使用者連線時,必須指定密碼,那就可以在建立使用者時,通過指定identified by子句來設定密碼


mysql -ujss_ps -p -h


mysql> create user [email protected] identified by password '123456';

2. 使用grant語句

語法:mysql> grant 許可權1,許可權2,...許可權n on 資料庫名稱.表名稱 to 使用者名稱@使用者位址 identified by '連線口令';



例項:mysql>grant select,insert,update,delete,create,drop on vtdc.employee to [email protected] identified by '123';


mysql>grant all privileges on vtdc.* to [email protected] identified by '123';


mysql>grant all privileges on *.* to [email protected] identified by '123';


mysql>grant all privileges on *.* to joe@localhost identified by '123';


3. 直接向mysql.user表插入記錄:

mysql> insert into user (host,user,password) values ('%','jss_insert',password('jss'));

mysql>flush privileges; //重新整理系統許可權表

4. 修改mysql使用者密碼方式:

a. 使用mysqladmin語法:mysqladmin -u使用者名稱 -p舊密碼 password 新密碼

例如:mysqladmin -u root -p 123 password 456;

b. 直接修改user表的使用者口令:

語法:update mysql.user set password=password('新密碼') where user="phplamp" and host="localhost";

例項:update user set password=password('54netseek') where user='root';

flush privileges;

c. 使用set password語句修改密碼:語法:

set password for 'username'@'host' = password('newpassword');

如果是當前登陸使用者用set password = password("newpassword");

例項:set password for root@localhost=password('');

set password for name=password('new password');

set password for 'pig'@'%' = password("123456");

5. 刪除使用者和撤銷許可權:

a. 取消乙個賬戶和其許可權

drop user user;

drop user username@'%'

drop user username@localhost

b. 取消授權使用者:

語法:revoke privilege on databasename.tablename from 'username'@'host';

例子: revoke select on *.* from 'pig'@'%';

revoke select on test.user from 'pig'@'%';

revoke all on *.* from sss@localhost ;

revoke all on user.* from 'admin'@'%';

show grants for 'pig'@'%'; //檢視授權

c. 刪除使用者:

語法: delete from user where user = "user_name" and host = "host_name" ;

例子:delete from user where user='sss' and host='localhost';


1.檢視所有資料庫: 資料庫目錄:/usr/local/mysql/data

mysql> show databases; //顯示資料庫

mysql> use abccs //進入資料庫

mysql> show tables; //顯示表

mysql> describe mytable; //顯示表結構

mysql> create database abccs; //建立乙個資料庫

mysql> create table mytable (name varchar(20), *** char(1), birth date, birthaddr varchar(20)); //建立表

mysql> insert into mytable values (『abccs』,『f』,『1977-07-07』,『china』); //插入表資料


mysql.txt內容:abccs f 1977-07-07 china

mary f 1978-12-12 usa

tom m 1970-09-02 usa

mysql> load data local infile "mytable.txt" into table pet; //匯入txt檔案資料


mysql> drop database drop_database; //刪除乙個已經確定存在的資料庫

alter table 表名 engine=儲存引擎名; //修改表的儲存引擎

alter table 表名 drop 屬性名; //刪除字段

alter table 舊表名 rename to 新錶名; //修改表名

alter table 表名 modify 屬性名 資料型別; //修改字段資料型別

alter table 表名 change 舊屬性名 新屬性名 新資料型別; //修改欄位名

alter table 表名 drop foreing key 外來鍵別名; //刪除子表外來鍵約束


{ alter table example add phone vacgar(20); //增加無約束的字段

alter table example add age int(4) not null; //增加萬增約束的字段

alter table example add num int(8) primary key first; //表的第乙個位置增加字段

alter table example add address varchar(30) not null after phone; //表的指定位置之後增加字段

alter table example modify name varchar(20) first; //把字段修改到第一位

alter table example modify num int(8) ater phone;//把字段修改到指定字段之後

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1.create user 語法 create user username host identified by password 例子 create user dog localhost identified by 123456 create user pig iden...

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