mysql 3列索引 mysql之多列索引

2021-10-17 17:37:39 字數 1855 閱讀 9046





create table t6 (

c1 char(1) not null default '',

c2 char(1) not null default '',

c3 char(1) not null default '',

c4 char(1) not null default '',

c5 char(1) not null default '',


) engine myisam charset utf8;

再分別insert into一些資料。


1.explain select * from t6 where c1='a' and c2='b' and c4>'a' and c3="c" \g;

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: ******

table: t6

type: range

possible_keys: c1

key: c1

key_len: 12

ref: null

rows: 2

extra: using where

1 row in set (0.00 sec)


explain select * from t6 where c1='a' and c4='a' order by c3,c2 \g

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: ******

table: t6

type: ref

possible_keys: c1

key: c1

key_len: 3

ref: const

rows: 2

extra: using where; using filesort

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

過程中先命中了c1,然後在order by c3,c2的時候由於先去use c3做排序,從而聯合索引斷了。using filesort表明沒有使用到多列合索引,而是做了檔案內排序。

explain select * from t6 where c1='a' and c4='a' order by c2,c3 \g

*************************** 1. row ***************************

id: 1

select_type: ******

table: t6

type: ref

possible_keys: c1

key: c1

key_len: 3

ref: const

rows: 2

extra: using where

1 row in set (0.00 sec)


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