mysql sail MySQL使用小記

2021-10-17 18:06:07 字數 2717 閱讀 1708

1.mysql server has gone away




解決方案: my.ini中修改

wait_timeout=2880000interactive_timeout= 2880000max_allowed_packet =10m(也可以設定自己需要的大小)

max_allowed_packet 引數的作用是,用來控制其通訊緩衝區的最大長度。


set global max_connections=2000;


create function `date_half_hour_format`(in_date timestamp) returns timestamp


declare out_date timestamp;

declare s_date varchar(255);

declare s_minute varchar(2);

declare int_minute int;

set s_minute = substring(in_date, 15, 2);

set int_minute = cast(s_minute as signed);

if int_minute <= 29 then

set int_minute = 0;

set s_date = concat(left(in_date, 14),'0',int_minute);


set int_minute = 30;

set s_date = concat(left(in_date, 14),int_minute);

end if;

set out_date = str_to_date(s_date,'%y-%m-%d %h:%i');

return out_date;


drop functiondate_half_hour_format;create function `date_half_hour_format`(in_date timestamp) returns timestamp


declare out_date timestamp;declare s_date varchar(255);declare s_minute varchar(2);declare int_minute int;set s_minute = substring(in_date, 15, 2);set int_minute = cast(s_minute assigned);if int_minute <= 9 then

set int_minute = 0;set s_date = concat(left(in_date, 14),'0',int_minute);

elseif int_minute> 9 and int_minute<=19 then

set int_minute = 10;set s_date = concat(left(in_date, 14),int_minute);

elseif int_minute> 19 and int_minute<=29 then

set int_minute = 20;set s_date = concat(left(in_date, 14),int_minute);

elseif int_minute> 29 and int_minute<=39 then

set int_minute = 30;set s_date = concat(left(in_date, 14),int_minute);

elseif int_minute> 39 and int_minute<=49 then

set int_minute = 40;set s_date = concat(left(in_date, 14),int_minute);else

set int_minute = 50;set s_date = concat(left(in_date, 14),int_minute);end if;set out_date = str_to_date(s_date,'%y-%m-%d %h:%i');returnout_date;end

注意:1、my.ini檔案編碼應為」ansi「,否則cmd->」mysqld --initialize --console「時會報錯:found option without preceding group in config file

2、mysqld --initialize-insecure --console建立基於密碼空白的管理員賬戶的初始化data目錄資料,需要通過--secure-file-priv指定具有檔案操作許可權的目錄,否則會導致無法生成初始化資料,報--secure-file-priv is set to null. operations related to importing and exporting data are disabled.

secure_file_priv 引數是唯讀引數,不能使用set global命令修改,需直接修改my.ini檔案在[mysqld]內加入secure_file_priv =,修改後重啟mysql服務,使用「showglobal variableslike '%secure_file_priv%';」命令檢視修改結果。


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