Odd Divisor(大數判斷是否有奇數因數)

2021-10-17 18:22:25 字數 1551 閱讀 2457

you are given an integer n. check if n has an odd divisor, greater than one (does there exist such a number x (x>1) that n is divisible by x and x is odd).

for example, if n=6, then there is x=3. if n=4, then such a number does not exist.


the first line contains one integer t (1≤t≤104) — the number of test cases. then t test cases follow.

each test case contains one integer n (2≤n≤1014).

please note, that the input for some test cases won』t fit into 32-bit integer type, so you should use at least 64-bit integer type in your programming language.


for each test case, output on a separate line:

「yes」 if n has an odd divisor, greater than one;

「no」 otherwise.

you can output 「yes」 and 「no」 in any case (for example, the strings yes, yes, yes and yes will be recognized as positive).

example input62







暴力肯定會tle,所以就要找規律,首先看一下什麼樣的數字一定會有大於1的奇數因數,很明顯所有奇數它本身就是乙個奇數因數,所以只看偶數就行了,我們不妨看一下什麼樣的偶數沒有奇數因數,從2開始列舉發現所有2^n(n是正整數)都沒有奇數因數,仔細想想也想得通,那麼剩下的偶數就都有奇數因數了(好像推不出來,但是歸納一下好像是這麼樣= =)

#include#include#includeusing namespace std;

typedef long long ll;

ll dat[70];

int main()

ll t,n,mi;

bool check;


for(int i=1;i<=t;++i)

}if(check) cout<<"yes"

return 0;


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