mysql 多異常 處理 MySQL異常處理彙總

2021-10-17 20:31:35 字數 2011 閱讀 3875



mysql啟動時提示timeout error occurred trying to start mysql daemon




[root@ay1212190315567971802 sliuhuamysql]# tail /var/log/mysqld.log

innodb: a big enough maximum process size.

innodb: note that in most 32-bit computers the process

innodb: memory space is limited to 2 gb or 4 gb.

innodb: we keep retrying the allocation for 60 seconds...

130109 12:32:19innodb: fatal error: cannot allocate the memory for the buffer pool

130109 12:32:19 [error] plugin 'innodb' init function returned error.

130109 12:32:19 [error] plugin 'innodb' registration as a storage engine failed.

130109 12:32:19 [note] event scheduler: loaded 0 events

130109 12:32:19 [note] /usr/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.

version: '5.1.58'  socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  mysql community server (gpl) by utter ramblings

[root@ay1212190315567971802 sliuhuamysql]# tail -n 20 /var/log/mysqld.log

130109 12:31:17 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/run/mysqld/ ended

130109 12:31:18 mysqld_safe starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql

130109 12:31:19  innodb: initializing buffer pool, size = 256.0m

130109 12:31:19  innodb: error: cannot allocate 268451840 bytes of

innodb: memory with malloc! total allocated memory

innodb: by innodb 7994352 bytes. operating system errno: 12

innodb: check if you should increase the swap file or

innodb: ulimits of your operating system.


解決辦法:檢視/etc/my.cnf,找innodb_buffer_pool_size,發現設值已經超過了系統總記憶體,然後重新設定為系統記憶體1半,即innodb_buffer_pool_size = 6144m 重啟mysql就ok了.

支付寶 賞一聽可樂吧~

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