mysql兩大索引 MySQl兩個環境的索引對比

2021-10-17 22:32:54 字數 2045 閱讀 3352


create table `t_index_update` (

`table_name` varchar(20) collate gbk_bin default null,

`index_name` varchar(20) collate gbk_bin default null,

`index_cols` varchar(100) collate gbk_bin default null

) engine=innodb default charset=gbk collate=gbk_bin;


insert into t_index_update()




group_concat(distinct concat('`', column_name, '`') order by seq_in_index asc separator ', ') as index_cols

from information_schema.statistics

where  table_schema= 'elk'

and column_name<>'seq_id'

and index_name<>'primary'

group by table_name, index_name

order by table_name asc, index_name asc;



select concat('alter table `',a.table_name,'` drop index ',a.index_name,';')





group_concat(distinct concat('`', column_name, '`') order by seq_in_index asc separator ', ') as index_cols

from information_schema.statistics

where  table_schema= 'elk'

and column_name<>'seq_id'

and index_name<>'primary'

group by table_name, index_name

) aleft join t_index_update b on b.table_name and b.index_name=a.index_name and b.index_cols=a.index_cols

where b.index_name is null;


select concat('alter table `',a.table_name,'` add index ',a.index_name,'(',a.index_cols,');')

from t_index_update a

left join (




group_concat(distinct concat('`', column_name, '`') order by seq_in_index asc separator ', ') as index_cols

from information_schema.statistics

where  table_schema= 'elk'

and column_name<>'seq_id'

and index_name<>'primary'

group by table_name, index_name

) b   on b.table_name and b.index_name=a.index_name and b.index_cols=a.index_cols

where b.index_name is null;

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