python優化迴圈 Python 優化迴圈

2021-10-18 14:42:04 字數 2314 閱讀 6809




import numpy

import time

# setup a problem analagous to that in the real code

npoints_per_plane = 1000

nplanes = 64

naxis = 1000

npoints3d = naxis + npoints_per_plane * nplanes

npoints = naxis + npoints_per_plane

specres = 1000

sol = dict()

sol["ems"] = numpy.zeros(npoints3d)

sol["abs"] = numpy.zeros(npoints3d)

# this would normally be non-random input data

data = dict()

data["ems"] = numpy.zeros((npoints,specres))

data["abs"] = numpy.zeros((npoints,specres))

for ip in range(npoints):

data["ems"][ip,:] = numpy.random.random(specres)[:]

data["abs"][ip,:] = numpy.random.random(specres)[:]

ems_mod = numpy.random.random(1)[0]

abs_mod = numpy.random.random(1)[0]

ispec = numpy.random.randint(specres)

# this the code i want to optimize

t0 = time.time()

# usual python range and iterator

for ip in range(npoints_per_plane):

jp = naxis + ip

for ipl in range(nplanes):

ip3d = jp + npoints_per_plane * ipl

sol["ems"][ip3d] = data["ems"][jp,ispec] * ems_mod

sol["abs"][ip3d] = data["abs"][jp,ispec] * abs_mod

t1 = time.time()

# numpy ranges and iterator

ip_vals = numpy.arange(npoints_per_plane)

ipl_vals = numpy.arange(nplanes)

for ip in numpy.nditer(ip_vals):

jp = naxis + ip

for ipl in numpy.nditer(ipl_vals):

ip3d = jp + npoints_per_plane * ipl

sol["ems"][ip3d] = data["ems"][jp,ispec] * ems_mod

sol["abs"][ip3d] = data["abs"][jp,ispec] * abs_mod

t2 = time.time()

print "plain python: %0.3f seconds" % ( t1 - t0 )

print "numpy: %0.3f seconds" % ( t2 - t1 )



# numpy vectorization

for ip in xrange(npoints_per_plane):

jp = naxis + ip

sol["ems"][jp:jp+npoints_per_plane*nplanes:npoints_per_plane] = data["ems"][jp,ispec] * ems_mod

sol["abs"][jp:jp+npoints_per_plane*nplanes:npoints_per_plane] = data["abs"][jp,ispec] * abs_mod



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