python列表add用法 使用add edge

2021-10-18 14:56:18 字數 1028 閱讀 6320

graph-tool行為與networkx不同。當您建立networkx節點時,它的識別符號是您在節點建構函式中編寫的,這樣您就可以通過節點的id來獲取該節點。在graph tool中,每個頂點id都是從1到graph\u size的整數:each vertex in a graph has an unique index, which is always between 0 and n−1, where n is the number of vertices. this index can be obtained by using the vertex_index attribute of the graph (which is a property map, see property maps), or by converting the vertex descriptor to an int.

關於圖、頂點或邊的所有附加資訊都儲存在property maps中。當您將.add_edge_list()與hashed=true一起使用時,新的屬性對映將作為.add_edge_list()的結果返回。所以在你的例子中,你應該像這樣處理你的頂點:# create graph

g = grt.graph(directed=false)

# create edge list

# why frozensets? you don't really need them. you can use ordinary sets or tuples

edge_list = ),



# write returned propertymap to a variable!

vertex_ids = g.add_edge_list(edge_list, hashed=true, string_vals=true)


out [...]:


out [...]: '56'




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