bugku 十六進製制與數字比較

2021-10-18 23:15:14 字數 859 閱讀 2496



function noother_says_correct($temp)

';$one = ord('1'); //ord — 返回字元的 ascii 碼值

$nine = ord('9'); //ord — 返回字元的 ascii 碼值

$number = '3735929054';

// check all the input characters!

for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($number); $i++)

);if ( ($digit >= $one) && ($digit <= $nine) )

}if($number == $temp)

return $flag;

}$temp = $_get['password'];

echo noother_says_correct($temp);


if ( ($digit >= $one) && ($digit <= $nine) )

return "flase"

number =temp=password

這本來是自相矛盾的,但php在轉碼時會把16進製制轉化為十進位制.於是想到當number =temp=password=3735929054轉化為十六進製制時,或許不存在數字1–9,得到deadc0de,果然不含1~9



Bugku 十六進製制與數字比較

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