mysql5 8建表 Mysql這樣建表

2021-10-19 06:33:33 字數 1395 閱讀 9191

資料庫安裝:yum -y install mysql-server

資料庫啟動:service mysqld restart

許可權設定:mysql -uroot -p

use mysql;  update user set password=password('123456') where user='root';

grant all privileges on *.* to root@"%.%.%.%" identified by "123456";

use mysql;  update user set password=password('aaa123456') where user='yangweixu';

grant all privileges on *.* to yang@"%.%.%.%" identified by "aaa123456";

use mysql;  update user set password=password('9jiu123456_aa') where user='tlbb_9999_aa';

grant select, insert, update, delete on tlbbdb.* to tlbb_9999_aa@'%.%.%.%' identified by "9jiu123456_aa";

use mysql;  update user set password=password('9jiu123456_xx') where user='tlbb_9999_xx';

grant select, insert, update, delete on tlbbdb.* to tlbb_9999_xx@'%.%.%.%' identified by "9jiu123456_xx";

use mysql;  update user set password=password('9jiu123456_dd') where user='tlbb_9999_dd';

grant select, insert, update, delete on tlbbdb.* to tlbb_9999_dd@'%.%.%.%' identified by "9jiu123456_dd";

flush privileges;


安裝驅動包:yum install -y mysql-connector-odbc

資料庫自動啟動:chkconfig --level 3 mysqld on


chkconfig --list如果列表中沒有mysqld這個,需要先用這個命令新增:

chkconfig --add mysqld


chkconfig mysqld on

centos 5.8的,用5.6也行

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