mysql 元資料修改 Mysql 元資料操作

2021-10-20 22:16:48 字數 1050 閱讀 4791


安裝好mysql之後在例項下缺省會有:mysql information_schema performation_schema

mysql 配置資訊 使用者資訊 慢日誌 server資訊

information_schema 記錄全域性 database、table、column 、檢視、觸發器、事物元資料相關資訊



# 檢視全域性 schema

select * from information_schema.schemata;

# 檢視具體 schema

select * from information_schema.schemata t where t.`schema_name` = 'risk_management'

# 檢視全域性 檢視

select * from information_schema.views;


select * from information_schema.views t where t.`table_schema` = 'account'

# 檢視當前例項全域性 table

select * from  information_schema.tables;

# 檢視具體 table_schema 表資訊 行數,資料大小,索引大小,自增最大值,表常見時間

select * from information_schema.tables t where t.`table_schema` = 'risk_management'  and  t.`table_name` = 'gps_info';

# 檢視 database 下 table 中列名,列備註,列型別,是否為空,編碼型別,是否主鍵,等資訊

select * from `information_schema`.`columns` t where t.`table_schema`='risk_management' and t.`table_name` = 'gps_info';

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