mysql作業部落格網 MySQL 作業2

2021-10-21 01:48:15 字數 1518 閱讀 5679


id name class yuwen shuxue yingyu kexue wuli

1 xing 0411 80 75 60 91 85

2 xiao 0411 75 45 56 80 90

3 yue 0411 87 66 70 86 73

4 ming 0411 55 83 62 70 74

5 hong 0411 90 55 89 56 74


mariadb [(none)]> select name,yuwen from chengji where yuwen>=60;


mariadb [(none)]> select name from chengji where yuwen>=60 and shuxue>=60 and yingyu>=60 and kexue>=60 and wuli>=60;


mariadb [(none)]> select * from chengji where yuwen<60 || shuxue<60 || yingyu<60 || kexue<60 || wuli<60;


1. id name *** age sfzh tel sfzh 主鍵

mariadb [test]> create table t7 (

-> id int ,

-> name char(10),

-> *** enum('m','f'),

-> age int,

-> sfzh char(18) primary key,

-> tel char(11));

mariadb [test]> insert into t7 values (1,'jim','f','25','420112345678945657','54412356466' ),(2,'tom','f','30','420111456788913496','45687975643');


外來鍵2.sfzh 部門 崗位 底薪 工作績效 保險 總工資

mariadb [test]> create table t9 (sfzh char(18),bumen char(20),ganwei char(20),dixin int,gzjx int,baoxian int,zgz int,foreign key (sfzh) references t7(sfzh)on delete cascade on update cascade);

mariadb [test]> insert into t9 values

-> ('420112345678945657','it','dba',6000,6000,1000,11000),

-> ('420111456788913496','rs','jl',5000,2000,1000,6000);


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