mysql 命令 mysql 命令

2021-10-22 03:30:43 字數 2110 閱讀 7685

刪除:delete from user(刪除user表中所有記錄)不帶星號

顯示記錄數:select count(1) from user   (不用count(*)效率低)(1可以替換成欄位名:   select  count(tigan) from tiku)

mysql> create database db_name; -- 建立資料庫

mysql> show databases; -- 顯示所有的資料庫

mysql> drop database db_name; -- 刪除資料庫

mysql> use db_name; -- 選擇資料庫

mysql> create table tb_name (欄位名 varchar(20), 欄位名 char(1)); -- 建立資料表模板

mysql> show tables; -- 顯示資料表

mysql> desc tb_name; -- 顯示表結構

mysql> drop table tb_name; -- 刪除表

運算子                 運算子標識

比較運算子         <=,,>=,!=,<>,!>,!<

範圍運算子         between... and,not between... and

列舉運算子         in,not in

模糊匹配運算子 like,not like

空值運算子         is null,is not null

邏輯運算子         and,or,not

select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'mysjhm'


select count(*)from information_schema.tables where table_schema='資料庫名'


sql="select sjh from sjh limit 10"


sql5="select table_name,column_name,column_comment from information_schema.columns where table_schema ='mysjhm' and table_name ='sjh'"


sql6="desc sjh"

#顯示指定的詳細結構(欄位名稱 型別 長度)


create table `xsxx2` (

`id` int(10) not null auto_increment,

`name` varchar(255) not null,

`xb` varchar(2) not null,

`age` int(3) default null,

`sfzh` varchar(18) default null,

`zhaopian` varchar(255) default null,

primary key (`id`)

) engine=innodb auto_increment=2 default charset=utf8;

1.engine=innodb:將資料庫的引擎設定為innodb(mysql中兩種資料庫引擎 :myisam 、innodb)


3.default charset=utf8:設定資料庫的預設字符集為utf8

show table status where comment='view';


create view sjh_v2 as select *from sjh order by rand() limit 10;


select * from sjh order by rand() limit 10;


create view sjh_v3 as select *from sjha order by rand() limit 10;

mysql命令 Mysql命令大全

7.1 乙個建庫和建表的例項1 drop database if exists school 如果存在school則刪除 create database school 建立庫school use school 開啟庫school create table teacher 建立表teacher id ...

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7.1 乙個建庫和建表的例項1 drop database if exists school 如果存在school則刪除 create database school 建立庫school use school 開啟庫school create table teacher 建立表teacher id ...

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