
2021-10-23 03:47:32 字數 1482 閱讀 3172



select column_name,column_comment from information_schema.columns where table_name = '表名' and table_schema = '庫名' order by ordinal_position


select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = '表名' and table_schema = '庫名' order by ordinal_position

#拼接 group_concat(field,separator '拼接字元')

select group_concat(column_name separator ';'),group_concat(column_comment separator ';') from information_schema.columns where table_name = '表名' and table_schema = '庫名' order by ordinal_position

#按順序排字段拼接 group_concat(field order by field,separator '字元')

select group_concat(column_name order by ordinal_position separator ';'),group_concat(column_comment order by ordinal_position separator ';') from information_schema.columns where table_name = '表名' and table_schema = '庫名' order by ordinal_position


select table_name,group_concat(column_name order by ordinal_position separator ';'),group_concat(column_comment order by ordinal_position separator ';') from information_schema.columns where table_schema = '庫名' group by table_name


select table_schema,table_name,group_concat(column_name order by ordinal_position separator ';'),group_concat(column_comment order by ordinal_position separator ';') from information_schema.columns group by table_name,table_schema order by table_schema


1.判斷引數是否為空,2.把引數中的空格去掉3.1 1永遠是真,加1 1的目的是為了接後面的條件的,否則 where and 條件 and 條件 是有語法錯誤的string sql select from 表名 where 1 1 if condition1 string.empty 再分享一下我老...

jpa 動態sql拼接 JPA的動態查詢拼接

在使用spring jpa提供的方法只能進行簡單的crud,如果遇到複雜的情況就需要我們動態來構建查詢條件了。這裡我們來看使用criteriabuilder如何來構造查詢。核心 criteriabuilder criteriabuilder entitymanager.getcriteriabuil...

sql 查詢結果的拼接 填充

一 拼接函式 1 oracle select concat str1,str2 from table 只能有兩個引數 select str1 str2 strn from table 任意數量引數 2 mysql select concat str1,str2,strn from table 二 填...