重新了解資料庫 聯表查詢和自連線

2021-10-23 05:04:04 字數 1118 閱讀 3917

聯表查詢分為inner join、left join、right join

left join左連線:以左表為主。結果會將左表所有的查詢資訊列出,而右表只列出on後條件與左表滿足的部分。

right join左連線:以右表為主。結果會將右表所有的查詢資訊列出,而左表只列出on後條件與右表滿足的部分。


inner join:

select s.id,name,score

from student as s

inner join result as r

where s.id = r.id;

left join:

select s.id,name,score

from student as s

left join result as r

where s.id = r.id;

right join:

select s.id,name,score

from student as s

right join result as r

where s.id = r.id;


select a.categoryname as '父列',b.categoryname as '子列'

from category as a,category as b

where a.categoryid = b.pid;

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