Linux clk子系統 3 系統呼叫流程

2021-10-25 02:37:09 字數 3373 閱讀 1018


1. clk的分類

2. 系統呼叫入口

3. leo clk初始化入口

4. of_leo_clocks_init函式leo的clk系統自定義函式

5. of_clk_init

根據clk的特點,clock framework將clock分為fixed rate、gate、devider、mux、fixed factor、composite六類,每一類clock都有相似的功能、相似的控制方式,因而可以使用相同的邏輯,統一處理,這充分體現了物件導向的思想

start_kernel--->  time_init


void __init time_init(void)





static const char *faraday_dt_match __initconst = ;

dt_machine_start(faraday, "leo")

.atag_offset = 0x100,

.dt_compat = faraday_dt_match,

.smp = smp_ops(faraday_smp_ops),

.map_io = platform_map_io,

.init_time = platform_sys_timer_init,

.init_early = platform_init_early,

.init_machine = platform_init,

.restart = platform_reset,


static void __init platform_sys_timer_init(void)

static struct of_device_id faraday_clk_match __initconst = ,


static void __init platform_clock_init(void)



*/static const __initconst struct of_device_id leo_clk_match = ,

, ,, ,

, ,, ,

, ,, ,

, ,, ,

, ,, ,

, ,, ,

, ,, ,

, ,, ,

, ,};void __init of_leo_clocks_init(struct device_node *n)

printk(kern_info "pll0: %4ld mhz, pll1 mclk: %4ld mhz, pll2: %4ld mhz, pll3: %4ld mhz\n",

pll0/1000/1000, pll1/1000/1000, pll2/1000/1000, pll3/1000/1000);

printk(kern_info "pll4: %4ld mhz, pll5 mclk: %4ld mhz, pll6: %4ld mhz, pll7: %4ld mhz\n",

pll4/1000/1000, pll5/1000/1000, pll6/1000/1000, pll7/1000/1000);

printk(kern_info "cpu: %ld mhz, ddr mclk: %ld mhz, hclk: %ld mhz, pclk: %ld mhz\n",

cpuclk/1000/1000, mclk/1000/1000, hclk/1000/1000, pclk/1000/1000);

printk(kern_info "spi clk: %ld mhz, ssp clk: %ldmhz, ssp_i2s clk: %ldmhz, sd clk: %ldmhz\n",

spiclk/1000/1000, sspclk/1000/1000, sspclk_i2s/1000/1000, sdclk/1000/1000);

printk(kern_info "lc clk: %ldmhz, irda: %ldmhz , gmac_ref: %ldmhz\n",

lcclk/1000/1000, irdaclk/1000/1000,gmacclk/1000/1000);



* driver/clk/clk.c


* of_clk_init() - scan and init clock providers from the dt

* @matches: array of compatible values and init functions for providers.

* * this function scans the device tree for matching clock providers

* and calls their initialization functions. it also does it by trying

* to follow the dependencies.

*/void __init of_clk_init(const struct of_device_id *matches)



} parent->clk_init_cb = match->data;

parent->np = of_node_get(np);

list_add_tail(&parent->node, &clk_provider_list);

} while (!list_empty(&clk_provider_list))

} /*

* we didn't manage to initialize any of the

* remaining providers during the last loop, so now we

* initialize all the remaining ones unconditionally

* in case the clock parent was not mandatory

*/if (!is_init_done)

force = true;


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