
2021-10-25 11:57:03 字數 3411 閱讀 1939




五. 退出mysql


mysql -u root -p

mysql -u root -p	

macbook-pro:~ yc$ mysql -u root -p

enter password:

welcome to the mysql monitor. commands end with ; or \g.

your mysql connection id is 4

server version: 5.7.28 homebrew

oracle is a registered trademark of oracle corporation and/or its affiliates. other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

type 'help;' or '\h'

for help. type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


show databases;

show databases;


| database |


| information_schema |

| mysql |

| performance_schema |

| sys |


4 rows in

set(0.00 sec)

create database 庫名 default charset=utf8;

create database database1 default charset=utf8;
drop database 庫名;

drop database database1;
use 庫名;

use database1;
show tables;

show tables;


| tables_in_mysql |


| columns_priv |

| db |

| engine_cost |

| time_zone_name |

| time_zone_transition |

| time_zone_transition_type |

| user |


31 rows in

set(0.00 sec)

select * from 表名;

select 字段,字段 from 表名;

# 檢視user表中的所有資料的所有字段

select * from user;

# 檢視 user表中的所有資料的 host和user欄位列

select host,user from user;


| host | user |


| localhost | mysql.session |

| localhost | mysql.sys |

| localhost | root |


create table 表名(欄位名1 型別,欄位名2 型別)engine=innodb default charset=utf8;

如果表不存在,則建立, 如果存在就不執行這條命令

create table if not exists users(

id int not null primary key auto_increment,

name varchar(4) not null,

age tinyint,

*** enum(


))engine=innodb default charset=utf8;

drop table 表名;

drop table users


desc 表名;

desc users


insert into 表名(欄位1,欄位2,欄位3) values(值1,值2,值3);

insert into 表名(欄位1,欄位2,欄位3) values(a值1,a值2,a值3),(b值1,b值2,b值3);

insert into users(id,name,age) values(1,'peter',18)

;insert into users(id,name,age) values(1,'peter',18),(2,'老李',20)


select * from 表名;

select 欄位1,欄位2,欄位3 from 表名;

select * from 表名 where 字段=某個值;

select * from users

;select id,name,age from users

;select * from users where id=1;

update 表名 set 字段=某個值 where 條件;

update 表名 set 欄位1=值1,欄位2=值2 where 條件;

update users

set name=

"張三" where id=1;

update users

set name=

"張三",age=50 where id=1;

delete from 表名 where 字段=某個值;

delete from users where id=1;
exit; 或者 quit;


; 或者



資料庫 資料庫基本操作

操作練習 修改表結構 表資料的操作 實現 1 建立表 create table student stu no char 12 not null primary key,stu name varchar 20 not null gender tinyint 1 default1,age tinyint...


1.查詢一周之內的資料 select from 表名 where date sub curdate interval 7 day date 欄位名 2.插入 年 月 日 時 分 秒的時間 pstmt.settimestamp 7,new timestamp system.currenttimemil...


登入資料庫系統 mysql h localhost u root p 檢視已存在的資料庫 show databases 檢視預設儲存引擎 show variables like storage engine 建立資料庫 create database 想建立的資料庫名字 刪除資料庫 drop dat...