vb mysql VB連線MYSQL例項

2021-10-25 14:10:02 字數 2066 閱讀 1761


電腦需安裝資料庫'mysql server'和'mysql connector net'相關版本軟體。



imports system.io

imports system

imports system.data

imports system.windows.forms

imports mysql.data.mysqlclient

public class form1

dim conn as mysqlconnection

dim data as datatable

dim da as mysqldataadapter

dim cb as mysqlcommandbuilder

private sub form1_load(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.load

if not conn is nothing then conn.close()

dim connstr as string

dim reader as mysqldatareader

connstr = string.format("server=;user id=; password=; database=mysql; pooling=false", "localhost", "root", "root")  '登入mysql資料庫 為本機,使用者名稱:root 密碼:root

tryconn = new mysqlconnection(connstr)


reader = nothing

dim cmd as new mysqlcommand("use db", conn)      '進入儲存資料所用的資料庫

reader = cmd.executereader()

while (reader.read())

end while

if not reader is nothing then reader.close()

catch ex as mysqlexception



if not reader is nothing then reader.close()

end try

end sub

private sub btnconn_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles btnconn.click

dim temp_int, int_lrow, int_rrow as integer

data = new datatable

tryda = new mysqldataadapter("select * from db_table where name='lady_gaga'", conn)            '在相關表中查詢資料 db_table 為表名,name 為列名

cb = new mysqlcommandbuilder(da)


int_rrow = data.rows.count              '返回查詢後的資料行數,返回0行則表示沒有找到記錄,返回大於0行,則表示找到了相關記錄

if int_rrow = 0 then



messagebox.show("data.rows.item(0).item(3).tostring")   'item(0).item(3) 表示返回的第1條記錄(第一條的下標為0)中的第4列值

end if

catch ex as exception


end try

end sub

end class

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