python三個數求和 求和為三個最小數的排列

2021-10-25 19:50:40 字數 2094 閱讀 8470


有關如何使用堆,請參見我們還需要生成組合的**。然後,這裡是為任何列表列表獲取第乙個n組合的工作**:import heapq

# helper class for storing combinations.

class listselector:

def __init__(self, lists, indexes):

self.lists = lists

self.indexes = indexes

def value(self):

answer = 0

for i in range(0, len(self.lists)):

answer = answer + self.lists[i][self.indexes[i]]

return answer

def values(self):

return [self.lists[i][self.indexes[i]] for i in range(0, len(self.lists))]

# these are the next combinations. we are willing to increment any

# leading 0, or the first non-zero value. this will provide one and

# only one path to each possible combination.

def next_selectors(self):

lists = self.lists

indexes = self.indexes

selectors =

for i in range(0, len(lists)):

if len(lists[i]) <= indexes[i] + 1:

if 0 == indexes[i]:




new_indexes = [

indexes[j] + (0 if j != i else 1)

for j in range(0, len(lists))]

if 0 < indexes[i]:


return selectors

# this will just return an iterator over all combinations, from smallest

# to largest. it does not generate them until needed.

def combinations(lists):

sel = listselector(lists, [0 for _ in range(len(lists))])

upcoming = [(sel.value(), sel)]

while len(upcoming):

yield sel

for next_sel in sel.next_selectors():

# this just gets the first n of them. (it will return less if less.)

def smallest_n_combinations(n, lists):

i = 0

for sel in combinations(lists):

yield sel

i = i + 1

if i == n:


# example usage

lists = [

[1, 2, 5],

[2, 3, 4],


for sel in smallest_n_combinations(3, lists):

print(sel.value(), sel.values(), sel.indexes)



給出乙個長度為n的無序陣列,陣列中的元素為整數,有正有負包括0,並互不相等。從中找出所有和 0的3個數的組合。如果沒有這樣的組合,輸出no solution。如果有多個,按照3個數中最小的數從小到大排序,如果最小的數相等則按照第二小的數排序。input 第1行,1個數n,n為陣列的長度 0 n 10...


給出乙個長度為n的無序陣列,陣列中的元素為整數,有正有負包括0,並互不相等。從中找出所有和 0的3個數的組合。如果沒有這樣的組合,輸出no solution。如果有多個,按照3個數中最小的數從小到大排序,如果最小的數相等則按照第二小的數排序。input 第1行,1個數n,n為陣列的長度 0 n 10...


b 問題 b 給定乙個由n個整數組成的陣列s,是否存在s中的三個數a,b,c使得 a b c 0?找出所有的不重複的和為0的三元組。注意 1.三元組的整數按照公升序排列 a0 c向前移一位,減小和 還要注意的是去掉重複的解,保證a和b都和上次的不同即可。如下 public class solutio...