
2021-12-29 21:49:28 字數 1832 閱讀 9184


在go伺服器中,對於每個請求的request都是在單獨的goroutine中進行的,處理乙個request也可能設計多個goroutine之間的互動, 使用context可以使開發者方便的在這些goroutine裡傳遞request相關的資料、取消goroutine的signal或截止日期。

// a context carries a deadline, cancelation signal, and request-scoped values

// across api boundaries. its methods are safe for simultaneous use by multiple

// goroutines.

type context inte***ce


func dostuff(ctx context.context)

func main() 輸出

15:59:22 work

15:59:24 work

15:59:25 work

15:59:26 work

15:59:27 done

15:59:31 end可以看到dostuff在context超時的時候被取消了,ctx.done()被關閉。


func timeouthandler() 輸出

16:02:47 work

16:02:49 work

16:02:50 work

16:02:51 work

16:02:52 done

16:02:56 end根據**advanced go concurrency patterns5分48秒處的**編寫dotimeoutstuff替換dostuff

go func() , val inte***ce{}) context參見搜尋程式userip中的**


// newcontext returns a new context carrying userip.

func newcontext(ctx context.context, userip net.ip) context.context

// fromcontext extracts the user ip address from ctx, if present.

func fromcontext(ctx context.context) (net.ip, bool) the withcancel, withdeadline, and withtimeout functions take a context (the

parent) and return a derived context (the child) and a cancelfunc. calling

the cancelfunc cancels the child and its children, removes the parent's

reference to the child, and stops any associated timers.裡面需要注意的就是 呼叫cancelfunc會取消child以及child生成的context,取出父context對這個child的引用,停止相關的計數器。


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