
2021-12-30 11:05:41 字數 2632 閱讀 6516



select * from user_constraints t

where t.table_name='father';


select c.owner,c.constraint_name,c.constraint_type,c.table_name,f.owner,f.constraint_name,f.constraint_type,f.table_name

from dba_constraints c, dba_constraints f

where c.r_owner=f.owner

and c.r_constraint_name=f.constraint_name

and c.table_name='child'; --查詢子表child對應的所有父表

3、子表中插入的記錄必須在父表中存在,否則會報parent key not found

sql> insert into child values ('datong',1);

insert into child values ('datong',1)

*error at line 1:

ora-02291: integrity constraint (scott.fk_addr) violated - parent key not found

4、父表的記錄只有在子表中找不到才可以刪除,否則會報child record found

sql> delete from father where id=1;

delete from father where id=1

*error at line 1:

ora-02292: integrity constraint (scott.fk_id) violated - child record found

sql> delete from father where id=2;

1 row deleted.

sql> commit;

commit complete.


sql> truncate table father;

truncate table father

*error at line 1:

ora-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys


select 'alter table '||c.owner||'.'||c.table_name||' modify constraint '||c.constraint_name||' disable;' "exec_sql"

from user_constraints c, user_constraints f

where c.r_owner=f.owner

and c.r_constraint_name=f.constraint_name

and f.table_name='father';


alter table scott.child modify constraint fk_id disable;


sql> alter table scott.child modify constraint fk_id disable;

table altered.

sql> truncate table father;

table truncated.


sql> alter table scott.child modify constraint fk_id enable;

alter table scott.child modify constraint fk_id enable

*error at line 1:

ora-02298: cannot validate (scott.fk_id) - parent keys not found


sql> truncate table child;

table truncated.

sql> alter table scott.child modify constraint fk_id enable;

table altered.

sql> drop table father;

drop table father

*error at line 1:

ora-02449: unique/primary keys in table referenced by foreign keys

這種情況可以使用cascade constraints子句一同將子表的引用約束刪掉。

sql> drop table father cascade constraints;

table dropped.


select a.constraint name,a.table name,b.constraint name from user constraints a,user constraints b where a.constraint type r and b.constraint type p a...

oracle 檢視主外來鍵約束

select a.constraint name,a.table name,b.constraint name from user constraints a,user constraints b where a.constraint type r and b.constraint type p a...

mysql建立主外來鍵關聯 mysql主外來鍵建立心得

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