
2022-01-15 04:04:46 字數 3178 閱讀 7767




range("b2:e4").replace what:=2, replacement:=3, lookat:=xlwhole, replaceformat:=true

end sub

sub findlastrow()

dim r as range

'set r = range("b2").end(xldown)'

set r = cells(rows.count, 2).end(xlup)

msgbox r.row

end sub

sub findtablelastnum()

dim r as range, maxrow as long, i as long


for i = 2 to 5


set r = cells(rows.count, i).end(xlup)


if r.row > maxrow then maxrow = r.row

next i

msgbox "最後乙個資料在第" & maxrow & "行"

end sub

sub lastrow()

dim i as long

i = 3

do while cells(i, 2) <> "" and i < rows.count

i = i + 1


if cells(rows.count, 2) = "" then i = i - 1

msgbox "最後一行是" & i

end sub

sub lastrowtwo()

dim i as long, r as range

set r = activesheet.usedrange

i = r.row + r.rows.count - 1

msgbox "最後一行是" & i

end sub


sub usespecialcell()

dim r as range

set r = cells.specialcells(xlcelltypelastcell)

msgbox r.row

end sub

sub usespecialcelltwo()

dim r as range



set r = cells.find("*", after:=range("a1"), searchorder:=xlcolumns, searchdirection:=xlprevious)

if r is nothing then

msgbox "**中沒有資料"


'msgbox r.row'

msgbox r.column

end if

end sub


sub usedo()

dim i as long

i = rows.count

do while i > 0

if cells(i, 2) <> "" then exit do

i = i - 1


msgbox "最後一行是第" & i & "行"

end sub

sub demo1()

dim i as long, k as long, name as string, amount as long

for i = 2 to 9

name = cells(, 2): amount = cells(i, 4)

for k = 3 to 5

if cells(k, 6) = name and amout > cells(k, 7) then

cells(i, 1).interior.color = vbred

exit for

end if

next k

next i

end sub

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