GDI 繪製自定義行距的文字(續)

2022-01-28 17:23:43 字數 3240 閱讀 4028




gdiplus.dll", charset:=charset.unicode, setlasterror:=true, exactspelling:=true)> _

friend shared function gdipdrawstring(byval graphics as intptr, _

byval textstring as string, _

byval length as integer, _

byval font as intptr, _

byref layoutrect as gprectf, _

byval stringformat as intptr, _

byval brush as intptr) as integer

end function

_friend structure gprectf

friend x as single

friend y as single

friend width as single

friend height as single

friend sub new(byval x as single, byval y as single, byval width as single, byval height as single)

me.x = x

me.y = y

me.width = width

me.height = height

end sub

friend sub new(byval rect as rectanglef)

me.x = rect.x

me.y = rect.y

me.width = rect.width

me.height = rect.height

end sub

friend readonly property sizef() as sizef

getreturn new sizef(me.width, me.height)

end get

end property

friend function torectanglef() as rectanglef

return new rectanglef(me.x, me.y, me.width, me.height)

end function

end structure

public sub draw4(byval text as string)


dim i as integer, j as integer, ts() as string

j = int(text.length / 52)

redim ts(j - 1)

for i = 0 to j - 1

ts(i) = text.substring(i * 52, 52)


if text.length - j * 52 <> 0 then

redim preserve ts(j+1)

ts(j+1) = text.substring(j * 52)

end if

drawlinetext(mg, ts, mfont, new solidbrush(mforecolor))

end sub

private sub drawlinetext(byval g as graphics, byval t() as string, byval f as font, byval b as brush)

if (g is nothing)then throw new argumentnullexception("graphics")

if (t is nothing) then throw new argumentnullexception("text")

if (f is nothing) then throw new argumentnullexception("font")

if (b is nothing) then throw new argumentnullexception("brush")

dim fieldas fieldinfo

field = gettype(graphics).getfield("nativegraphics", bindingflags.instance or bindingflags.nonpublic)

dim hgraphics as intptr = field.getvalue(g)

field = gettype(font).getfield("nativefont", bindingflags.instance or bindingflags.nonpublic)

dim hfont as intptr = field.getvalue(f)

field = gettype(brush).getfield("nativebrush", bindingflags.instance or bindingflags.nonpublic)

dim hbrush as intptr = field.getvalue(b)

dim i as integer, tr as gprectf

tr =new gprectf(0, 0, mbmp.width, mbmp.height)

for i = 0 to 17

tr.x = 3

tr.y = 3 + i * mlineheight

gdipdrawstring(hgraphics, t(i), t(i).length, hfont, tr,, hbrush)


end sub



GDI 繪製自定義製表位位數的文字。

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