oracle 儲存過程 返回結果集

2022-01-31 05:10:39 字數 893 閱讀 3882



create or replace procedure card_count_yljg(v_start_date  in varchar2, --開始時間

v_end_date in varchar2, --結束時間

v_parentorgid in varchar2, --父醫療機構id

out_cursor out sys_refcursor) as --系統游標

/*** 內容:電子卡刷卡量統計(按醫療機構)

* 日期:2018/08/13

* 版本:1.0


open out_cursor for

select t4.orgname, count(t4.orgid) total

from virtual_cardlog t, read_term t2, org_access t3, base_org_info t4

where t.logtime >= to_date(v_start_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd')

and t.logtime < (to_date(v_end_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd') + 1)

and t.termcode = t2.termcode

and t2.orgcode = t3.orgcode

and t3.orgcode = t4.orgcode

and t4.orgtype = 3 --醫療機構

and t4.parentorgid = v_parentorgid

group by t4.orgid, t4.orgname;

end card_count_yljg;

Oracle 儲存過程返回結果集

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oracle 儲存過程返回結果集


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