
2022-02-06 04:26:33 字數 385 閱讀 4685


limit a,b: 從a開始,長度為b。

select * from tb_qualification where id in

(select a.qualification_id from

(select qualification_id from tb_trade_qualification where trade_id=# limit $,5) as )



1 update dim agent t set t.duty area select l.duty area from v mu ams agent l where l.iata code t.agent iata t.admin area select l.admin area from v m...

基於 MySql 三 複雜sql語句

目錄1.表結構如下所示 指令碼資料 qq群免費獲取 set names utf8mb4 set foreign key checks 0 drop table if exists hy area create table hy area id int 0 not null auto incremen...

oracle sql 複雜語句

1.oracle行轉列,pivot函式和unpivot函式 2.start with connect by prior 遞迴查詢用法 樹形結構的資料 例如組織機構樹 3.資料誤刪恢復 select from 表名稱 as of timestamp to timestamp 2020 05 07 08...