
2022-02-16 00:56:19 字數 981 閱讀 2397

--一、sqlplus登入sys或者system 建立oracle directory目錄

create directory dp_qianyi as 'd:\qianyi'; --同時應該在相應位置建立實際目錄

--授權 grant read,write on directory dp_qianyi to system ;

--二、一 匯出 creditfw使用者下的模式


grant read,write on directory dp_qianyi to creditfw;


expdp creditfw/xyshare@xyshare directory=dp_qianyi schemas=creditfw dumpfile=qy_sgshare20181211.dmp logfile=qy_sgshare20181211.log



drop user 使用者名稱 cascade;


drop tablespace 表空間名稱 including contents and datafiles cascade constraint;

size 50m autoextend on next 10m maxsize 100m; --建立臨時表空間

----- 授權:

grant read,write on directory dp_qianyi to system


impdp system/xyshare@xyshare directory=dp_qianyi dumpfile=qy_sgshare20181107.dmp logfile=qy_sgshare20181107.log

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