SQL筆記03 查詢資料

2022-02-19 11:03:15 字數 748 閱讀 1991



not優先順序最高, 其次是andor


in:select * from students where score in (90, 91);

the in operator is a shorthand for multiple or conditions.

between: the between operator is inclusive: begin and end values are included.

select * from students where score between 60 and 90;

offset: 超出最大值, 返回空陣列

注意:如果沒有查詢到任何資料,count返回0, 其他返回null

group by: 對資料進行分組查詢計算

sql引擎, 不能把多個name的值放入同一行記錄中. 聚合查詢的列中, 只能放入分組的列

from x, y使用笛卡爾積, 效率低, 所以不能用where替代內連線運算

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