樹莓派usb攝像頭用fswebcam 設定

2022-03-04 09:34:49 字數 709 閱讀 9027

樹莓派上可以找到攝像頭驅動,但是在樹莓派終端輸入raspistill -o image.jpg,輸出如下錯誤:

mmal: cannot read camera info, keeping the defaults for ov5647

mmal: mmal_vc_component_create: failed to create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1:enomem)

mmal: mmal_component_create_core: could not create component 'vc.ril.camera' (1)

mmal: failed to create camera component

mmal: main: failed to create camera component

mmal: camera is not detected. please check carefully the camera module is installed correctly


在樹莓派終端輸入sudo apt-get install fswebcam安裝fswebcam。通過輸入sudo fswebcam image.jpg進行拍照測試。使用方法可以通過輸入fswebcam -h查詢。


1.安裝庫 命令列輸入 sudo apt get update sudo apt get install subversion libjpeg8 dev imagemagick libv4l dev cmake git sudo git clone cd mjpg streamer mjpg str...




sudo apt get install fswebcam 安裝拍照工具 fswebcam s10 test2.jpg 拍照基礎路徑預設在home d設定拍照的源解決黑屏問題 no banner 關標籤 r 設定解析度 後路徑設定 在樹莓派裡開攝像頭 sudo apt getinstall moti...